
A Solar Pool Cover is one of the most economical covers you can get for your swimming pool.

A Solar Pool Cover is one of the most economical covers you can get for your swimming pool. They are also referred to as solar blankets.  Solar Pool Covers or Blankets are similar to large sheets of bubble wrap. The bubbles in Solar covers trap the heat from the sun and disperse the heat to your pool, which keeps the temperature of the water in your pool warm and soothing.The solar cover also helps to preserve the warmth of the water from the sun and continues to keep it warm throughout the cool night time temperatures.With solar covers, it is not necessary to use anchor weights or tie down straps to hold them in place;they lay and float on top of your pool's water without restraints. Therefore, removal and replacement of a solar cover is very easy,just pull it off and store it. However this can be an awkward and strenuous task if you are doing this alone - imagine folding a giant wet blanket by yourself - but, by incorporating the help of a solar pool cover reel, the task of removing your solar cover can be made much easier.  When not in use, solar covers are usually folded and stored or rolled-up on a large solar pool cover reel and wheeled out of the way and put up for storage.